Students room
Room 341 in 3rd Engineering Building is where students and assistant professors usually work.
Each student has partitioned space and desktop PC, so we can easily concentrate on research.
Students can use refrigerator and coffee-maker in the lab as they want. There are also micro wave and electric kettle in common space of the floor.
Location of 3rd Engineering Bldg. in the Hongo Campas is here. (Japanese)

Towing tank
Students in our laboratory can freely conduct experiments using the towing tank.
The size of the tank is 85m×3.5m×2.5m. (L×W×D)
The tank was built in 1974, and this is the oldest long tank in Japanese universities.
We can generate waves with various wave heights and wave periods using a wave generator.
The tank also has a towing carriage.
The website of the U-Tokyo towing tank is here.